Just sitting here, bleebling to myself in a corner, because, frankly, trying to pass comment on the contemporary scene is like watching a car crash in slow motion over and over again.
Sunday 13 December 2009
Service interrrompu
Lurgified and terribly busy, but hope to blog Monday.
An international man of mystery ... Best summed up as follows:
"Innocent Smith had clambered
out of his own attic window, and roaring again and again, "Beacon House!", whirled round his head a huge log or trunk from the wood fire below,
of which the river of crimson flame and purple smoke drove out on
the deafening air.
He was evident enough to have been seen from three counties;
but when the wind died down, and the party, at the top of
their evening's merriment, looked again for Mary and for him,
they were not to be found."
Look forward to it
Gaudete Sunday 13/12/2009 BST 22.37pm